About Women's Ministry

Ladies of the church family meet monthly to develop and build personal relationships through spiritual growth, prayer, fellowship and fun. They support the Women of the Church of God nationally and several local ministries.

Runnin' Partners, formerly known as the "Women of the Church of God", has been in motion since March 2001. They have monthly meetings at the church or homes of its members as well as special events like their retreat at Locust Springs, where they just have a blast! Through their self-supported budget they give to the national and state chapters of the Women of the Church of God, several local and world missions, and a scholarship fund for Mid-America Christian University. The ladies are also very generous to other areas of ministry within the congregation including the youth group, the building fund, and various others. Both the prayer chain and funeral dinners were birthed from the ministry. For those looking for a good meal idea, Runnin' Partners sells cookbooks containing recipes from the ladies within the church and community. Other fundraisers include selling Rada cutlery, flavorings, candles, and sponsoring banquets. As another service, the ladies rent dishes and tablecloths to individuals or groups for special events. The group may be small but it has covered much ground. All ladies are invited and encouraged to join!

Runnin' Partners also has a younger women's group called, "Sister to Sister." Any lady interested should contact Teresa Hensley.

There is also a women's prayer group available on Tuesday at 9:00 AM for any lady who just wants to come and pray with other believers.

President: Teresa Hensley; Vice President: Mary Ricker; Treasurer: Martha Ottinger; Secretary: N/A;