
First Church of God Ministries

Welcome to First Church of God!
This page details our volunteer ministries,
that are available for you to find your place
in service here at First Church.

If you have any questions at any time,
you may call the church office at 423.638.4818.



Description: On Sunday mornings and evenings (10 am & 6 pm), nurseries are open for newborns to 4 years old during the service times. We need volunteers to provide care and/or serve as hosts (i. e. check-in) on a bi-monthly rotation.
Qualifications: Loving children! Ability to be reasonably active. Provide a background check.
Contact Person: Jennifer Leasure

Description: On Sunday mornings at 9 am, “Uncle Buck and Crew” lead Sunday school for ages 5-10. It is interactive and full of energy. Volunteers help with skits and providing an adult influence with the children.
Qualifications: Loving kids! Provide a background check.
Contact Person: Phil Waddell

Description: On Sunday mornings during the worship service, this class is provided for 4-5 year olds. Volunteers teach lessons, lead crafts, and interact with the children. Generally, volunteers offer to serve 3 months a year.
Qualifications: Loving kids! Being a follower of Jesus Christ. Ability to be reasonably active. Reasonable knowledge of scripture. Provide a background check.
Contact person: Kim Trantham

Description: On Sunday mornings during the worship service, this class is provided for 6-11 year olds. Volunteers teach lessons, lead worship, help with technology, and provide an adult presence.
Qualifications: Loving kids! Being a follower of Jesus Christ. Ability to be active. Reasonable knowledge of scripture. (It is expected that lead teachers have advanced knowledge of scripture.) Provide a background check.
Contact person: Kim Trantham

Description: On Tuesday evenings from 7-9 pm we provide “Pre-recovery for kids.” This program follows the principle of Celebrate Recovery to help children cope with their own struggles, particularly if they are ex-posed to homes where individuals have addiction issues. Volunteers interact, teach, and lead crafts for the children.
Qualifications: Love children! Able to be reasonably active. Provide a background check.
Contact Person: Judy Shipley

Description: During the evening worship service, we provide a nursery and a class for children 5-10. Volunteers provide childcare and teach the children through lessons and crafts.
Qualifications: Love children! Able to be reasonably active. Provide a background check.
Contact person: Jennifer Leasure (nursery) or Kim Trantham (5-10 yr. old class)


MINISTRY TO STUDENTS (11-19 years old)

Description: Our awesome youth meet on Wednesdays from 6:30-8ish. Adults serve as counselors which involves teaching, leading activities and small groups, mentoring, and providing support and listening ears.
Qualifications: Loving youth! Able to be active. Provide a background check. A reasonable to advanced (depending on whether one is on the teaching rotation) knowledge of scripture.
Contact person: Chad Inscore or Kim Trantham

Description: On Tuesday nights from 7-9 pm, during Celebrate Recovery, the Landing meets in the Summit Youth room. Participants are usually dismissed from the “CR big group” after the music portion (7:30ish). The Landing is Celebrate Recovery for teenagers. Volunteers must be able to be open and honest about their own lives and be rooted in Celebrate Recovery principles and practices.
Qualifications: Loving youth! Seasoned in Celebrate Recovery principles and practices. Reason-ably knowledgeable about scripture. Provide a background check.
Contact person: Ralph Shipley

(A NOTE ABOUT BACKGROUND CHECKS: We realize that each of us have things in our past we might be hesitant to have made known. The great news is that Jesus for-gives us of our past and gives us a new beginning! We have many serving in our congregation that do not have “clean” backgrounds. The purpose of giving background checks, particularly to those who serve in our children and student ministries is to look for issues that might involve the safety of our children. To put it bluntly, issues related to child or domestic abuse, crimes of violence, sexual crimes, or things of a similar nature are likely to disqualify from serving in these particular ministries. However, other issues do not necessarily disqualify, particularly when they are specks in the rearview mirror of your life.)



Description: When members of our congregational family pass away, we often prepare meals for their family. These meals are usually taken to the family on the day of the funeral. We need people who are willing to be “on call” to prepare portions of the meal and deliver them to the church so they can be taken to the families.
Qualifications: A willingness to cook.
Contact person: Guss Laws

Description: Giving away prayer shawls is an important ministry within our congregation. Throughout the year, many are anointed and given to people who are ill and in need of encouragement. The shawl reminds them that people are praying and God cares for them.
Qualifications: An ability to crochet or a willingness to learn.
Contact person: Teresa Hensley

Description: The enliveners are a group of singers who visit nursing homes on Wednesdays to encourage, bring joy, and minister to the residents. You do not need to be a good singer to be a part of this ministry. Loving people is the only requirement.
Qualifications: A desire to serve.
Contact person: Brice Casey

Description: On Tuesday mornings, several women meet at the church to pray over the needs of our church family. The meeting place is in the prayer room off the sanctuary, behind the platform.
Qualifications: A desire to pray.
Contact person: Teresa Hensley

Description: This is a ministry that has been recently started to minister to the needs of our widows through social activities and fellowship.
Qualifications: A desire to help.
Contact person: Lisa Shipley

Description: Throughout the year, our church family has multiple social events that require setting up and taking down, preparing and serving meals, and hosting. We need committed workers to be part of the planning and implementation of these events.
Qualifications: A willingness to serve. An ability to be reasonably active.
Contact person: Guss Laws



Description: Greeters are vital to Sunday mornings, as they welcome people into the house of the Lord. We have greeters at our major entrance areas and also working at the Welcome Center. Ushers are also used after the services to collect tithes and offerings.
Qualifications: A love for people and a willingness to serve! An outgoing presence. In the case of being an usher, a background check.
Contact person: Karen Thompson

Description: During our services, the Welcome Center booth is a place to gather information, sign-up for events, or ask questions.
Qualifications: Being friendly and willing to help those who approach the booth.
Contact person: Jeanine Medley

Description: During our services, security team members watch our facilities in person and with the aid of security cameras. They physically patrol the grounds, watch entry points, and give special attention to guarding our children’s areas.
Qualifications: Provide a background check and approval by our security personnel leaders.
Contact person: Teresa McCrary


Description: Our choir usually sings 25-30 weeks a year in the Sunday morning services. We invite everyone, whether you consider yourself a singer, or a “joyful sound maker” to join in this ministry. Practice is on Sunday mornings at 9 am in the choir room, located behind the sanctuary.
Qualifications: Being a follower of Jesus Christ.
Contact person: Thomas Ervin

Description: We rely on a great team of musicians to lead worship on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and at Celebrate Recovery on Tuesday evenings. We are looking for committed individuals who have musical back-grounds and talents with a variety of instruments.
Qualifications: Being a follower of Jesus Christ. Musical abilities. Dependability.
Contact person: Thomas Ervin

Description: On Sunday mornings, evenings, and at Celebrate Recovery on Tuesday nights, a group of dedicated volunteers serve upstairs. They manage the sound, control the screens in the sanctuary, stream the services on-line, and interact with our online audiences.
Qualifications: A willingness to serve. There are varying levels of knowledge needed, particularly for sound and video technicians.
Contact person: Thomas Ervin



Description: Decorating the church, keeping things looking fresh, and preparing for the holidays is an important and time consuming activity. We always need help, particularly those who are able to carry thing up and down the stairs from our storage rooms.
Qualifications: A willingness to serve.
Contact person: Carolyn Hartman

Description: Our physical property requires constant maintenance. We are always thankful for those with handyman, painting, plumbing, and electrical skills who volunteer their time through-out the year. You are desperately needed!
Qualifications: A willingness to serve.
Contact person: Tony Shelton



Description: Sunday school teachers lead classes on Sunday mornings at 9 am. While the classes we now have are established with teachers, there are always possibilities for new classes and the need for assistant teachers.
Qualifications: Being a follower of Jesus Christ. Advanced knowledge of scripture. Knowledge of and agreement with Church of God doctrinal positions. Gift of teaching.
Contact person: Nathan Leasure

Description: Life groups are groups that meet in homes, usually twice a year for periods of 10-15 consecutive weeks. These are wonderful times of spiritual and relational growth. Those who lead groups open their homes and act as hosts. Often, they lead group discussions but co-leaders that handle the teaching aspect, can also be teamed with hosts.
Qualifications: Being a follower of Jesus Christ. Possessing the gift of hospitality. Basic knowledge of scripture (Advanced knowledge if leading the teaching.)
Contact person: Nathan Leasure

Description: Celebrate Recovery is a large entity within itself, requiring many leaders and helpers to function. There are groups for recovering addicts, those who grieve, others who are in difficult relationships, and those who desire sexual accountability. There are also events to plan, children’s ministries to maintain, and other positions to fill. It has been said that CR is like a “church within a church.” Therefore, the needs are great and varied.
Qualifications: A love of people! A knowledge of CR principles. For positions working with children, a background check will be required. For advanced leadership positions, completed step-studies are required. Being a follower of Jesus Christ is also a necessity for leadership within CR.
Contact person: Ralph Shipley



Description: Our congregation owns a 165-acre retreat center in Baileyton, complete with cabins, conference facilities, a ballfield, lake, camper hookups, children’s activities, etc. It is used for church activities and rented to other groups (primarily other church groups) throughout the year. It takes significant work to maintain and there are always projects to be completed. Volunteers work throughout the year to clean, paint, and complete maintenance projects.
Qualifications: A willingness to serve.
Contact people: Steve and Nikki Myers

Description: To help fund the ministry of our retreat center, we run a thrift store on Tusculum Boulevard. Through the store, we are also able to help people in need with clothing, furniture, and household items. Volunteers are crucial to running the store, organizing the inventory, and helping customers.
Qualifications: A willingness to serve.
Contact person: Kay Trantham

Description: Our congregation also runs a daycare on our premises Monday – Friday. Currently, we have about 30 preschoolers who are cared for by paid staff. However, we always greatly need volunteers to pro-vide support, read, play, and care for these wonderful children.
Qualifications: Loving children! Ability to be reasonably active. Take a background check.
Contact person: Teresa McCrary

Description: A ministry that is dear to the heart of many in our congregation is the orphanage near Port-au-Prince, Haiti. In fact, the metal building near the play-ground is largely packed with items destined for the mission. We need volunteers to frequently help sort, pack-age, and load items to go overseas to those who rely on us for support in meet-ing some very basic needs.
Qualifications: A willingness to serve.
Contact person: Marsha Hybarger

Description: On Fridays, groups of men and women go to the Greene County jail to en-courage and lead the CR Inside program. Volunteers are able to interact with inmates, encourage, teach, and offer hope.
Qualifications: Seasoned in Celebrate Recovery principles and practices. Reasonably knowledgeable about scripture. Take a background check.
Contact person: Ralph Shipley