Summer Events

Summer time is such an exciting time in the life of First Church of God and a great time to jump in as a first time volunteer.

Vacation Bible School

Our VBS program has included a jungle adventure, a wild western and many more. Children are provided a 4 night program that moves them from worship to story to snacks to craft time. While it is a great time for children and adults, it is also one of the most important ministries in seeing lives and hearts committed to Jesus for the very first time. VBS takes well over a hundred volunteers and helps to provide this intensive biblical learning program for children in grades 1-6. Many of our youth and adults serve as crew leaders and helpers each year.


Summer Camps

Each year, our church provides opportunities to participate in Summer Camps. From time to time special camps are planned and provided at Locust Springs Christian Retreat Center for grades 1-6. Also, we support the efforts of Camp Greene for Juniors (grades 1-6) as well.